
‘Two women sit. Behind the painted smile, the body hides secrets. As make-up melts we meet these ghosts. Malformed lovers. Strangled sisters.  Through the dark at the back of the throat a roar. Grin. Sip. Spit. Slide. Shiver. Everything shrinks. A performance of movement, voice and silence…’
Mudness is a resonant duet with Kasia Zejmo, who I met at the Subbody Butoh School in the Indian Himalaya’s. We both came back to Europe in june 2013, integrating our work at the school with life and art here. During a training with our teacher Rhizome Lee in Rotterdam february 2014 we decided to make a piece together, and have performed it in many different settings ever since.
Mudness in a rotterdam cafecommeilfautmudness_DSC0017_DSC0021

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